As originally published on 10/16/2013 on Jefferson County Tea Party
At the Rally for Common Sense on October 12th, 2013, we were privileged to have Noah O'Grady from "Gun Smart Kids" speak to the patriots in attendance. Noah is nine years old who has been shooting guns since he was five. No surprise that his family is pro Second Amendment, and it is evident that his parents are raising their children in "common sense" fashion. The website "Gun Smart Kids" is a family effort, with the emphasis on the kids driving the message home. It's primary purpose is to provide a place for kids to learn gun safety from kids. Noah has his 'own page', has had radio interviews, and, prior to the Rally,for Common Sense, spoke at the GRAA (Gun Rights Across America) Rally in Philadelphia. Click on Noah to find out more about him. Nick, a seven year old who is also sharing the importance of gun safety, has this message: "Kids REMEMBER!! A gun can not hurt you unless you touch it so if you ever see one STOP, LEAVE THE AREA AND TELL A GROWN UP RIGHT AWAY!!!" |
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April 2021
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